muokattu: 13.6.2019

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Hospital districts have been enthusiastically involved and active people have been found in the project’s regional coordinators. Non-smoking workgroups for the psychiatric area have also been established in the hospital districts. Close cooperation is established with the healthcare districts and regional activities are developed individually from the needs of each hospital district. Without cooperation with the medical districts, the project would not proceed.

At the same time, the preparation of online courses for tobacco rolling has been launched in the early part of the year. Online courses will be available to healthcare professionals at the end of the year.

Leading projects will work together for two years to promote the health and well-being of citizens in a diverse way.

Ending smoking cessation for people with mental health and substance abuse problems. The project is part of the government Promoting health and well-being and reducing the inequality project.

Implementers: Filha ry, A-Clinic Foundation, Mental Health Association and Rehabilitation Foundation, HUS, TYKS, TAYS, KYS, KSSHP, VSHP, SATSHP, KPSHP, LSHP, EPSHP, ESSHP