muokattu: 13.6.2019

Palaako? Kuinka monta tupakkaa sinä olet polttanut elämäsi aikana?

Kaj states that he has smoked tobacco for almost 37 years, about half a million cigarettes. He tells us that at worst he went on three steps a day. “In the chain, it went to burns,” says Kaj, “almost all the time awake was tobacco between the lips.”

Kaj says that getting out of the tobacco was not easy and the support was needed. Tobacco also left its mark, COPD, but increasing exercise and smoking cessation have made it easier.

The ability to support others to quit smoking has inspired Kajn to act as a peer assistant. Filha’s peer tutor activity provides low-threshold support and the ability to quit smoking in a group.  

“Kaj attended the training in February, Helsinki. We train more peer tutors across Finland. After the training, the participants have been enthusiastic about the possibility of supporting others out of tobacco, ”says Patrick Sandström, Specialist at Filha Association.

We have also offered smoking detoxification groups online, in the form of a discussion group, and this seems to be very suitable for some smokers, Sandström says. Tobacco addiction is diverse. So every smoker has a unique addiction, and for this reason it is natural that the same ways of killing are not suitable for everyone. he continues: “What a great thing about these training is that an experienced smoker can get the ahaa experience how and why tobacco is hooked”.

“It has also been a surprise to many that stopping smoking should be treated with appropriate severity. Situations where you must be prepared with a proper plan before smoking. It only supports the decisions of the ender, ”says Miska Reinikainen, project worker, and continues:“ Knowing your own habits is important when planning any change in life. In other words, things seem simple, but the fact is that the mere exploration of smoking habits gives us an understanding of daily habits and how to change them. ”


The project is supported by STEA.

For further information
, please contact: Filha ry Patrick Sandström, tel. +358 405150512 and Miska Reinikainen, tel. 044-5487333. Kaj Pirhonen, tel. +358 50 9134693