Nicotine addiction caused by smoking has similarities to other addictions. It is not easy to get rid of the cause of addiction, and outside help is often needed for withdrawal. The health care professionals are now offered an introduction to how to talk about smoking and how to stop killing.
For professionals, an information package on tobacco smoking for patients with mental health and substance abuse has been opened online. The lung health organization Filha, HUS and the Mental Health Association have prepared an online course for the Mental Health House. The online course offers ways to take the speech and support smoking cessation.
Matti Holi, Director of Psychiatry, says that HUS has taken a course for the induction program. The positive effects of quitting smoking extend to many areas of life: patients’ health and overall well-being are improved, behavioral abnormalities in departmental care periods are reduced, and the economic situation of end-users improves, Holi emphasizes.
Kaarlo Simojoki, Chief Medical Officer of A-klinikka Oy, calls for smoking to be spoken immediately. Stopping smoking supports the cessation of other substance abuse. Smoking cessation is successful in patients with mental health and substance abuse as well as in other patient groups. Nicotine dependence should be tested and detoxification should be planned together with a professional. The wound support can be used e.g. information, motivation, medication, nicotine replacement products, group meetings and peer support.
Support from a peer-to-peer or experience expert is considered useful. Filha, the Mental Health Association and the A-Clinic Foundation have trained volunteers who provide peer support, ie non-smoking support to stop smoking.
Your smoke-free booth supports non-smoking and runs alongside the person who comes from hospital care. The long-term experience expert and non-smoker Markku Forsström from the Central Association for Mental Health believes that helping is important. No one is a hopeless incident, and you should always encourage smoking, he believes.
Further information:
Tuula Vasankari
Secretary General, LT, Professor, Specialist in Pulmonary Diseases
Government flagship project: Supporting smoking cessation for people with mental health and substance abuse problems (MITU) 2017–2018. Implemented by: Filha ry, A-Clinic Foundation, Mental Health Association and Rehabilitation Foundation, Hospital District: HUS, TYKS, TAYS, KYS, KSSHP, VSHP, SATSHP, SOITE, LSHP, EPSHP, ESSOTE
The aim of the project is to promote the health of patients with mental health and substance abuse and support smoking cessation by supporting the activities of public health and substance abuse services. Key activities include improving the efficiency of regional service chains and tobacco visitation, training health care personnel, producing online training materials, collaborating with hospital districts, organizations, other health promotion projects and experience experts.