muokattu: 13.6.2019

Uusi OmatAskeleet -ekoulutus – ohjeita ja tietoa savuttomaan elämään lapsen kanssa!

Nicotine has several adverse effects on pregnancy

Tobacco is hard to give up because nicotine is heavily hooked. There are also other reasons that make smoking easy, despite pregnancy. Most mothers know that smoking is not good for the fetus. However, what nicotine can do for an upcoming baby is not always clear.

Studies have shown that the behavior of animals receiving nicotine and also of children becomes more ADHD-aggressive and has more behavioral disorders than others. “Nicotine is a poisonous substance that is very susceptible to passage through the placenta,” says Professor and Researcher Kirsi Vähäkangas, and adds “nicotine ends up in the brain and affects the nerve cells.” Children exposed to nicotine also get asthma and lung infections more easily. Rat experiments have shown nicotine to kill both cells and change the behavior of cells and the whole animal. Cells can also be damaged in a way that increases the incidence and development of cancer.

Gynecologist Susanna Jaakkola of HUS, for her part, says: “It is harder for a smoking woman to get pregnant than a non-smoker, so fertility is a valuable thing in itself and should be protected.” Jaakkola continues: “Nicotine also affects the size of the fetus; the child is successful during the final pregnancy and after birth. ”

Smoking affects the whole life of the future child

Both experts agree that the effects of tobacco will be reduced when smoking ceases. Mother’s smoking affects the whole life of the child, so it would be important to stop smoking already when planning the pregnancy, because the first weeks of pregnancy are also a time for disorder.

Maria Juusela, Ph.D. specialist physician , says: “That is why Filha has made an electronic smoke-free training for a smoking mother called MyStaffs .” The training includes the story of a mother with a smoker and three steps towards a non-smoking life.

The OmatAskeleet training package also includes tools for the nursing schools where you may have been frustrated by smoking. “There are videos, tests and well-packed information for fathers and spouses,” Juusela says, and continues to “all need real information to support decision-making.”

Experts recall

Always stop smoking at all stages of pregnancy. The less the child is exposed to tobacco, its smoke and its toxins, the healthier future for the child is ahead. Juusela hopes that as many smoking families as possible will find their way into Filha’s material and quit smoking. “The future of a non-smoking family – the better the gift the future family can give to their child,” reminds all three experts.

Related questions are answered by Maria Juusela 044 544 2201, Senior Medical Officer at Filha ry. Expert in health promotion Krista Abdulla Hama Salih 044 544 2209.

MyStaffs Trailer Filha ry:
MyStaffs Eco Training Kit can be found at this link .

#motor steps
# smokingmate #